Friday, October 05, 2007

Lydia Sings

I have tried multiple times to capture her singing this song on video. Usually she gets part way through and says "bye bye camera!". At one point today when she caught me looking at her(without the camera) while she was singing she said, "Don't see me Mom!" This is our best result so far =)


Rachel said...

That is absolutely adorable!!! I am amazed she remembered all of the words and even carried a little of the melody also.

JM said...

Wow! Those are some big words in that song. Very cute!

K. Humby said...

How cute!!! I loved it!

Elizabeth said...

Sooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that she says "loves" (right?) and my second favorite part is where she slows down with sonn-ETS, but she gets the "ets" in there, and then zooms back up to regular speed.

j.j. said...

Rachel - You're kind to say that you heard some melody in there somewhere. I am determined that she will not be "tone deaf"!!
Liz - in that last phrase "Mount of God's unchanging love" Lydia consistently says "lubs." Too cute!
She also knows a surprising amount of words in the 2nd and 3rd verses! I give Ben all the credit b/c I myself can't remember many words after the 1st verse!

Kathy said...

Good job, Lydia. Gramma Kaffee is so proud of you! When we come for Christmas will you sing it for us?

Beth said...

Absolutely ADORABLE! It is so sweet to hear those words come out of her mouth. :-)

The Budget Mommy: said...

So cute!! And I love the tickers!!

Unknown said...

This is officially the cutest thing I have ever seen. I just shared it will all my roommates and they all love it!

she's getting so big!